Audiovisual improvisation with superDraw software (2025)
Free improvisation duet with Scott Stobbe (2024)
Composition for choreographer Alexandra Lockhart (2024)
Set for electronics and piano with Matea Botella at Soda Acustic, Barcelona(2024)
Experimental ambient digital LP (2024)
Three performances at Can Serrat residency, Montserrat, Catalunya, Spain (2023)
Audiovisual improvisation for superDraw software (2023)
Daily writing practice for directed improvisations (2023)
Dynamic sonic art piece using a deconstructed piano harp and robotics (2023)
Free Improvisation digital release with Jane Rigler (flute/electronics) on DASA tapes (2023)
3-week residency investigating self-portaiture through music composition (2023)
Composition for choreographer Alexandra Lockhart (2022)
Music to accompany video art collection by Max Nova (2022)
collection of compositions for dance and installation (2022)
first EP of solo electronic ambient music (2022)
Single release with Anne Waldman feat. Erika Hodges (2021)
Free Improvisation accompanying poet Anne Waldman at Roulette Intermedium, NYC (2021)
Music to accompany video art collection by Max Nova (2021)
Poetry video and score to "The Third Spring" by Erika Hodges at Poetry Project NYE Marathon (2021)
Homebuilt modular synthesizer (2020)
Directed improvisation meant to investigate solitary creativity (2019)
Musical score for BITEDOWN Dance's premiere performance at Gibney Dance (2018)
My left hand cut out of copper sheet and turned into a performance interface (2018)
Text score collage for any number of improvisers (2018)
Text performance score (2018)
USB conductive performance interface (2018)
Guided improvization for chamber ensemble (2017)
MFA thesis performance utilizing dance, video synthesis, projection, ambisonic audio, text score (2017)
String Quartet with chance elements (2016)
Robotized and sequenced bells inside an antique radio (2014)
Interactive sound installation made from sonified drawings (2012)
Undergraduate final composition performance using remnants of my burned childhood home (2011)